SAFE is an acronym for “Supporting Addiction Free Environments for Lake County” and is Lake County, Indiana’s coalition against substance, use, abuse and misuse in adults and adolescents.
Our members consist of both individuals and organizations and make up our THREE PILLARS: PREVENTION (Education), SUPPORT (Treatment & Intervention), and ACCOUNTABILITY (Law Enforcement & Legislation).
Please consider joining SAFE’s efforts to combat drug and alcohol abuse and misuse. All residents of Lake County are welcome to participate.

Working to reduce incidences of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs
Formulating and implementing a countywide comprehensive plan
Creating a forum to share information and resources
Fostering programs proposed by our members to combat substance abuse and misuse
Awarding and monitoring grants funded through the local portion of the Drug Free Community Fund
Creating a forum to share information and resources
- Change the name from the Governor’s Commission of a Drug-Free Indiana to the Indiana Commission to Combat Drug Abuse
- Provide ICJI with more oversight of the LCC’s and ICCDA
- More coordination between state agencies working to reduce substance abuse
- Will offer more support to LCCs
- Will not change how the funds are collected/dispersed in the counties