A Special Presentation

Teen bedrooms can hide signs of vaping and substance use. Learn what to look for.

On Wednesday, June 22, 2022, Your Choice to Live, Inc. will present Wake Up Call, an educational program about substances, virtually from 9:30am -11:00am, hosted by Lake County’s SAFE Coalition (Supporting Alcohol Free Environments) and Partnership for Success (PFS).

The rise in the use of vaping devices and other substances among youth is a growing concern. Are you familiar with carts? Dabs? Box mods? If you have young people in your life, you should be.

The Wake-Up Call presentation, a program of Your Choice, provides practical information on current drug trends, a walk- through of a teens’ bedroom with more than 50 red flags that could indicate substance abuse, as well as proactive parenting strategies to keep your child substance free.

According to the American Lung Association, more than 5 million U.S. middle and high school students have reported using e-cigarettes in the past 30 days. According to the Surgeon General’s health advisory, about one third of middle and high school students who used e-cigarettes used them as a delivery device for marijuana.

“With the development of technology, kids have more access to information than ever before. If a person wants to get “high”, all they have to do is search the internet. If they want to hide drugs in their room, there are devices sold online to do so. Drug deals are continuously conducted on social media apps such as snapchat. As parents, it’s hard to keep up with all the latest trends,” said Sandi Lybert, founder of Your Choice to Live, Inc.

The presenters, both with lived experience, combine their personal stories, experience working with students and families, and sharing things they wish they would’ve known into an engaging, real and unique presentation. This presentation is a MUST SEE for parents, grandparents, teachers, community members and other adults who are influential in the lives of youth.

*This event is for adults only (21 years of age and older).

For more information or to register for this FREE event, please visit: bit.ly/3zDSwv7 Registration is required.

For questions about this event, please contact Lisa Scott at lisa.scott@geminus.care

About the presenters

Katie Morrow, Prevention Education Specialist

Katie Morrow is a prevention education specialist who has been working in the substance abuse field since 2009. She has worked in a variety of roles in this field including prevention, direct care, development and community organizing. She has a Master’s in Public Administration from Marquette University. Being in long-term recovery since 2007 gives Katie a passion for recovery and prevention. Katie enjoys sharing her story in hopes that it will help others from going down the path that she did.

Sandi Lybert, Founder Your Choice to Live, Inc 

Sandi is a Nationally Certified Intervention Professional. Sandi guides families through the intervention process of getting their loved one to accept the help that is needed. Her personal experience with her son, Tyler’s addiction and her passion for helping others led her to leave her career in banking to start Your Choice to Live, Inc. In 2017, Sandi was named the Waukesha County Champion of the Year for her efforts to promote and improve the quality of life in Waukesha County.

About Your Choice to Live, Inc.

Your Choice to Live, Inc. is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization that provides alcohol and drug prevention, education, intervention and support. Since its inception in 2009, Your Choice has provided services to more than 700 families, and has spoken to more than 175,000 youth in middle and high schools across Wisconsin, Illinois, and Indiana. Your Choice recently was designated a State of Wisconsin certified community substance abuse prevention program